I Want.
A person who wants to get coffee at 2:45 in the morning regardless if we've been out drinking or not.
To listen to music so loud that my clothes ripple from the waves.
Take a trip to Europe and Australia and see all of the bands I have been listening too forever. Particularly Radiohead.
Get road side sushi in Japan from a street vendor. Get sick. Do it again.
A running/swimming/cycling/scuba diving/climbing/music listening to partner.
A photographer.
Someone with boobs. Preferably a vagina too.
Fly helicopters for tourists in other countries who are on skiing trips and move to a new country every 3-6 months.
Sky dive.
Catch a shark. My line got tangled with someone else's so I may have already.
Catch a shark. Again.
Create something that I like as much as other people. Something good.
Like someone as much as they like me.
Learn to code. Better.
Get a travel show. Pwn Anthony Bourdaine and Andrew Zimmer.
Create something new. The iPod was my idea. Thanks Steve.
Make a sculpture of a person.
Drive a car in a street race. Win.
See all of my old friends and introduce them to each other.
Write a better blog.
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